FTAA #171796

CFP - New TI Opps.

To: FTAA Analysts and Historians

From: Director’s Advisory Council

Subject: Call for Proposals - Potential Opportunities for Temporal Incursion

Following the events of Spring 1992, the FTAA Director’s Advisory Council has decided to take a more active role in engagement and intervention within temporal eras upstream of the present. The exhortations within the messages from our descendants downstream have been taken seriously; the FTAA is committed to using our technological tools and personnel to improve the lives of eras upstream of our own.

These incursions will undoubtedly need to be undertaken with great care. As a result, the Advisory Council is leaning on the field to offer initial proposals for potential incursion events. These proposals should include a detailed background statement on the historical era in question, options for intervention, and the potential ripple effects on downstream eras.

Please see your local office’s Incursion Planning Officer for examples of the format and content of incursion proposals. These proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis, and may be submitted to the IPO, who will forward them to the DAC for review and potential implementation.

Note that FTAA Policy #AHEH38-45 applies to these proposals - please do not submit proposals which attempt to prevent or may unintentionally invert the Second World War or impact its broad narrative flow in drastic ways.

The DAC thanks you all in advance for your thoughtful submissions to make the past a better place.


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Last Updated: November 10, 1993
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