On Temporal Stability and Ethics

I backslid my way into the Chronolographic Ethics division via my work as an historian in the Paradox Avoidance division. It became abundantly obvious to a group of both historians and physicists that an ethics review board needed to be established, particularly after the opening of the first temporal embassy. The potential for paradoxes or interference in other eras raised large philosophical questions.

This first ethics review board evolved into the Office of Ethics, which in turn was spun off into the CE division. Although resourced sparingly, the CE division has served as a moral center and conscience for the agency.

Ethics considerations help think beyond simple paradoxes. While paradox avoidance is focused on what could happen if we make a slight alteration in the past, CE focuses on the moral ramification of these decisions. Even when an impact is minimal, those impacts may have philosophical implications to weigh.

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