
Blue Bar

This WWW site is a cooperative initiative between the FTAA's Office of Public Communication and the Department of Computer and Machine Sciences at St. Joseph's College (STJC) in Emmitsburg, MD. Information is provided for general information only. The Federal Temporal Anomaly Authority and STJC make no warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness, formatting, or timeliness of this information. Information on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied without permission unless otherwise indicated. Permission to reproduce any copyrighted materials (including photos or graphics) must be obtained from the original source. Citation of source is appreciated. If for legal or other reasons you require the original version of a document in hard copy, please contact Office of Public Communication, Federal Temporal Anomaly Authority at (202) 738-9235.

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Blue Bar

Mission | Programs and Operations | Employee Data Storage | Index

Blue Bar

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Last Updated: November 10, 1993
This site is best viewed using the NCSA Mosaic WWW browser.